Android wearable users, Google has now started rolling out the Android Wear 5.0.2 update for many smartwatches. The 5.0.2 update is being rolled out to the Samsung Gear Live, Moto 360, LG G Watch, and the Sony Smartwatch 3.
Although, the Android Wear 5.0.2 update is not a major one as it does not add any new feature to the device, but it fixes the bugs and improves the gear security. It also adds performance enhancements to the devices along with some update to Google Play Services. The update also fixes the prolonged issue with the Google Fit Sync, specifically the discrepancies that users were encountering in the step counting mechanism between the smartwatches and smartphones.
The update is, as of now, being rolled out in batches and will reach all the aforementioned devices by next week. For the readers who want to update their watch, make sure that the gear battery is at least 80% charged, as soon as you receive the update notification, simply press “Download” and the update will begin. The build number for the Android Wear is 5.0.2, for Moto 360 is LWX49L and for the Gear Live it is LWX49K.
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