Motorola has finally launched the Moto E in India after the smartphone was leaked in all its glory a few days ago. The specs are similar to the ones that were rumoured and the smartphone will go on sale at midnight on Flipkart with a slew of offers. You’ll get 50 percent off on its covers and e-books worth Rs 1,000 if you purchase the device today. Flipkart will also offer you a 50 percent discount on an 8GB Transcend memory card if bought alongside the device. Here are the specifications of the device:
Motorola Moto E Specifications
- 4.3-inch display with a resolution of 960 x 540 pixels and Corning Gorilla glass 3 on top of it
- 1.2 GHz dual-core Snapdragon 200 processor
- 400 MHz Adreno 302 GPU
- Android 4.4 KitKat
- 4GB internal storage, expandable by another 32GB with a microSD card
- 5MP rear camera without flash, no front camera
- Dual SIM, 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS for connectivity
- 1980 mAh battery
Motorola has hit the bull’s eye with its pricing and the smartphone will be made available black and white colours alongside the option of changing back panels like its other siblings being on offer as well. In our opinion, this is pretty much the best sub Rs 7,000 device and Motorola is all ready to replicate the success of the Moto G with Moto E.
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