Sunday, January 26, 2014

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Scientists replicate kitty whiskers to help robots 'feel'

Cat whiskers are tremendously sensitive, so much so that cats can navigate around our glassware without sending anything crashing to the floor. It's that sort of sensitivity that a team from the University of California, Berkeley, is trying to replicate to help robots of the future. Ultra-sensitive fibers, made with carbon nanotubes and silver nanoparticles are designed to respond to pressure, helping future hardware navigate difficult and low-visibility environments. Team leader Ali Javey believes that the material is 10 times as sensitive as your smartphone display, and could even be used to track your heartbeat -- so maybe we'll be seeing this stuff getting woven together to make the next generation of connected onesies.

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Via: SlashGear

Source: Berkeley Lab (1), (2) (PDF)

Tags: alijavey, CarbonNanotubes, Cats, Robots, science, SilverNanoparticle, UcBerkeley, whiskers Next: South Korea rules smartphone users can delete Android bloatware .fyre .fyre-comment-divider

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