Thursday, March 20, 2014

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Brain of Samsung Galaxy S4 sets world record to solve Rubik’s Cube

This basically proves that anything can be achieved with some Legos and a smartphone. In Birmingham, United Kingdom, at the Big Bang Fair, a robot, Cubestormer 3, shattered the world record for solving the iconic 3D puzzle that is Rubik’s Cube.

To put things in perspective, the human-powered record was set last year by Mats Valk of the Netherlands. He could only solve it in 5.55-seconds. That was not fast enough for what was then holding the absolute record that was Cubestormer 2 (powered by a Samsung Galaxy S2) which managed to solve the puzzle in 5.27-seconds.

Cubestormer 3 is a whole new generation of geekdom and robot.  Legos with robot actuators are connected to a Samsung Galaxy S4 (Exynos octa-core powered) which is tasked with analyzing the cube’s starting arrangement.  Then, the Samsung directs the Mindstorm actuators to spin the cube in the manner needed to solve the puzzle.

How fast did Cubestormer 3 handle the mission? Try 3.253-seconds. As you can see in the video below the device is hammering the Rubik’s Cube with movements that are basically faster than the human eye can see. Then again, when you look at at Mats Valk’s video solving the puzzle, his action is pretty fast too. What is your record for solving the puzzle (no, taking it apart and reassembling does not count)?

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