It's no secret that Twitter for BB10 still needs a lot of polishing, and the latest attempt to make it shine brings BBM integration and other new features. Now, you can automatically update your status on the platform's famous messaging service simply by tweeting through the refreshed app. The latest version also brings thumbnail previews that show attached images right on your timeline. Other than that, it comes with a built-in reply box and a fresh option to report spam or abuse that show up when you tap on a tweet. Unfortunately, if you read the app's reviews on BlackBerry World, you'll see a lot of users complaining that their apps have stopped working after they downloaded the update. So, no matter how sweet these changes are, it might be wise to proceed with caution or just wait until the developers issue a fix.
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Source: BlackBerry World
Tags: app, BlackBerry, Blackberry10, mobilepostcross, twitter Next: Real Racing 3 finally gives players a taste of live competition on iOSView the Original article
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